
Upgrading Skills in Writing Workshop and Scientific Poster Writing Collaborators Program Batch 5

01 Oct 2024

Similar to other sectors, the agricultural sector is always facing new development of science and direct findings from the field. With unique things we find every day in field, encourages farmers to find practical solutions to deal with problems in the field. Moreover, if farmers collaborate with multiple parties, it will create sustainability in the agricultural sector through research and experiments so that it has a real impact on a large scale. 

Based on these conditions, Edufarmers held a Writing Collaborators program to accommodate students, academics, and practitioners in the skill of writing collaborative scientific articles and posters on the theme of agriculture. The program, which is currently in batch 5, focuses on solutions and control of problems in agricultural land. 

Interestingly, the Writing Collaborators Program batch 5 has just opened a scientific poster category as a medium for disseminating agricultural science in visual form. Through scientific posters that will be created by program participants, it will make it easier for farmers to understand information about agriculture. 

To produce quality papers and posters, the program successfully attracted 200 applicants and held a workshop as a provision to carry out activities for the next few months. The workshop, which was held online on September 19, 2024, also invited speakers who were experienced in the fields of agriculture and visual design, namely Prof. Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Sc. as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB and Fakhrina Savitri, S.Tr. as Senior Marketing and Creative Kalananti by Ruangguru. 

Through a session dedicated to scientific article participants entitled “Mastering Scientific Writing: From Storytelling to Ethical Publication and Data Visualization”, Prof. Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Sc., conveyed important points to start writing scientific articles starting from the content and findings that have been obtained. 

"Readers of scientific articles tend to read the results section directly when they open our article. Therefore, put more effort into writing the results section than other sections (for example: the introduction chapter) because that is the main point," he said on the sidelines of his presentation. 

In relation to the content, the visualization of information also needs to be considered to attract readers, especially farmers who tend to like infographic posters. In the scientific poster briefing session entitled "Mastering the Art of Scientific Poster Design", Fakhrina Savitri, S.Tr. explained the important things that must be considered when creating a quality poster design. In addition to presenting the material, she also directly practiced the supporting tools and websites that would make it easier for participants to find templates, inspiration, and design references that support the creation of scientific posters. 

"When making a scientific poster, the most important thing is that the information is conveyed. We also need to balance the composition of all sides of the poster so that none of them are empty and the colors chosen should consist of cool and warm colors to give a professional impression," he said while practicing the color settings on the presentation screen. 

Cahyo Adileksana as Research and Knowledge Manager hopes that this activity, which is not only aimed at participants with an agricultural education background, can produce scientific articles and posters that can be collected into one place. 

"Writing Collaborators is designed to encourage the creativity of participants, especially young people who have an interest and ability to write. In addition, the program is open to the public in the scientific poster category, participants can express their thoughts from various perspectives," said Cahyo Adileksana. 

As a general overview, from the first batch to batch 4, a total of 67 agricultural articles have been produced. It is hoped that in WCP 5, participants will produce 28 articles and 30 posters to provide farmers with knowledge on how to handle problems in the field. 

Articles and posters will be published on the Bertani Academy website for FREE via 

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