Stunting Prevention Program


Since 2022, Edufarmers has been implementing a stunting prevention program through the improvement of nutritious food consumption, education, and agriculture-based programs.

Through the "One Day, One Egg" campaign, ZeroStunting provides subsidized eggs to children with stunting as one of the supporting steps to accelerate the reduction of stunting prevalence in Indonesia.

Program Objectives

Our innovative stunting prevention program aims to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of children who are at risk of stunting or already experiencing its effects. Through a carefully designed program mechanism, we provide a vital resource to these young individuals: one egg per day for a duration of 6 months.

We collect and validate data on stunted infants, engage local stakeholders, procure top-quality eggs from farmers, and ensure their delivery to program locations. Monitoring progress and empowering caregivers through workshops, we continuously evaluate and improve.

Benefits of The Program

Empowering Education: Delivering timely reminder messages and educational insights to parents, we equip them with essential knowledge on nutrition, health, effective parenting, and more. Together, we pave the way for informed choices and empowered caregiving.

Comprehensive Monitoring: Our diligent monitoring efforts encompass crucial aspects such as egg consumption, health status, height, and weight. By closely tracking these vital metrics, we ensure that each child receives the nourishment and care they deserve.

Personalized Support: We believe in the power of connections. Through our dedicated WhatsApp consultation service, parents can seek guidance from our facilitators, addressing their concerns and receiving personalized assistance whenever needed.

Data-Driven Insights: Our program thrives on data analysis. By processing comprehensive reports, we gain valuable insights into the program's effectiveness, allowing us to continuously improve and optimize our interventions for maximum impact.

Transparent Progress Tracking: Every milestone matters. With meticulous recording and visualization of all child development and growth data within our user-friendly dashboard, we ensure transparency, accountability, and a comprehensive view of each child's journey.

Interested in supporting our program?

Join as supporter

Be a vital force in tackling stunting! Join hands with the government, academics, business leaders, communities, and media to liberate 4.7 million Indonesian children from stunting—one egg at a time. Your involvement will boost awareness and participation towards achieving #ZeroStunting in Indonesia. Let's unite in action to transform Indonesia into a #ZeroStunting nation!

Explore further at and be a part of the movement for a healthier future!


What they say about ZeroStunting

Hanifah dan Irsyad Pasha

This egg subsidy program has been very helpful to our family because initially, my child didn't like to eat rice and eggs. With the egg subsidy program, my child has now developed a liking for rice and eggs. Furthermore, since participating in this program, my child's weight and height have been increasing, making my child more active

Umah dan Habibur Rokhman

My child was indeed born small, less active, and underweight. However, after the egg subsidy program from Edufarmers in Kab. Malang, Alhamdullilah, their weight and height have increased. This affordable egg subsidy program has been very helpful, especially since my husband is a vegetable vendor, and I am a homemaker, so we can afford to buy eggs for our child's needs.

Nurhikmah dan Nur Aisyah

Alhamdulillah, my child is now getting taller, and their weight has been steadily increasing since participating in the program. Although the increase in height is gradual, the changes are already becoming visible. Now, because they are used to eating eggs every day, they always ask for eggs with every meal. Whether it's lunch or dinner, they also like to have eggs as a side dish

Suriati dan Rifka Amelia

Alhamdulillah, my child's weight has increased. In just 2 years, they have reached 12 kg, and their height has also improved. Our family has gained many positive impacts, especially in the growth and development of my child. Because of participating in the egg subsidy program, my child has developed a liking for eggs, sometimes even having them three times a day. Even their older sibling, who didn't participate in the egg subsidy program, has developed a liking for eggs as well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why does Edufarmers run a stunting prevention program?

One of the aspirations of Japfa's founder, Mr. Handojo Santosa, is to have philanthropic activity in the field of stunting because the future of Indonesia lies in the hands of the younger generation.

Why is Edufarmers' program not free but subsidized?

We aim to change the lifestyle or behavior of households or parents towards their children by encouraging them to incorporate daily egg consumption to ensure the child's need for animal protein is met.

How long is the ZeroStunting program period?

The program lasts for 6 months because the effective period for a child to gain weight or height and overcome stunting is 6 months, with one egg provided per day.



Why should stunted children consume eggs?

Eggs are a crucial part of the nutrition needed for children because they are rich in iron, protein, fats, vitamins A, D, E, and B12, as well as folic acid. Eggs also serve as a source of choline, which plays a vital role in the brain development of infants. Additionally, the yolk of eggs can enhance iron levels in infants aged over 6 months. Iron in eggs is essential for aiding in the absorption of nutrients and supporting optimal growth. Meanwhile, protein, as a building block, is crucial for infants and toddlers for brain development, the formation of new cells, and the construction of various organ structures such as bones, muscles, and teeth. One of the supporting nutrients for the growth of a toddler's body weight includes iron, protein, calories, and fats, all of which are abundant in eggs, making eggs beneficial for stunted children.

Call for Partnership

Your support can create a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children through our innovative stunting prevention program. Join us as we rewrite the narrative of stunting, one egg at a time.

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