Economic Development

Indonesia was reported at 29.28% people work as a farmer in 2022 but they only contribute 12.4% to GDP Indonesia. Many smallholders have limited access get knowledge about good agricultural practices (GAP), which impacts to their income and keeps them below the poverty line.

Economic development in the agriculture sector refers to efforts aimed at improving the economic performance, sustainability, and inclusivity of agricultural activities. It's important because it supports poverty reduction, ensuring food security and nutrition, providing employment and income as well as the development of rural communities. Through economic development farmers and youth farmers in Indonesia can implement this initiative to harness digital technologies in Agriculture, adopt climate-smart agricultural practices, youth-led cooperatives, as well as community-based natural resource management. 

Program Objectives

To improve their productivity of smallholder farmers as well as enhance their adaptive capacity.

Increase smallholder farmers income and improve livelihoods for themselves and families.

To create employment opportunities for youth in agriculture and related sectors, reducing youth unemployment and underemployment in rural areas.


Increased Incomes and Employment

Skills Enhancement and Empowerment

Improved Livelihood and Well-being

Community Resilience and Social Cohesion

Our Approach


Provide training for smallholder farmers on Agribusiness development, digital agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, youth-led cooperatives, and community-based natural resource management to improve farmers productivity, and income, to create employment opportunities both for youth women. The training use Farmers Field School (FFS) and collaborative trials: joint experiential learning for farmers to really understand, practice and own new practices approach.


Work with youth to provide support in assisting smallholder farmers, thereby amplifying their voices and influence in shaping agricultural development agendas.


Work with corporate to provide access to quality and affordable agriculture inputs, seeds, financing, and offtake their product. 


Develop and set up farming cooperatives to improve market access, and linkages by strengthening value chains, facilitating market information dissemination, and fostering partnerships with agribusinesses and cooperatives.

Call for Partnership

Let's work together with us to empower smallholder farmers and youth in agriculture. Collaboration through partnerships, knowledge sharing, market connections, and supportive policies, we create an environment where young farmers can thrive and contribute to a prosperous and resilient agricultural sector. Click link on the right side.

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