ZeroStunting Talkshow Healthy Kids Happy Parents: Simple Tips for Busy Parents
01 Oct 2024
Jakarta, September 22, 2024 – Stunting is one of the problems currently faced in Indonesia. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by insufficient nutritional intake over a long period of time due to the provision of food that does not meet the needs. nutrition. Stunting can occur from when the fetus is still in the womb and only appears when the child is only two years old. Stunting not only causes physical growth retardation and increases susceptibility to disease, but also threatens cognitive development which will affect the current level of intelligence and the child's productivity in his adulthood.
Although the main problem of stunting is lack of nutritional intake, stunting does not only occur in underprivileged families. Through several causes, stunting can also occur in well-off families due to the busyness and lack of awareness of parents in providing balanced nutritional intake. There needs to be awareness for parents to prepare balanced nutritional intake even though they are busy.
Based on this phenomenon, ZeroStunting collaborated with M Bloc Market to hold a talk show "Healthy Kids, Happy Parents: Simple Tips for Busy Parents" as an effort to provide practical guidance on proper nutrition to children amidst the busy routines of parents. Being busy is not an obstacle to meeting children's nutritional needs, in fact, with balanced nutrition, all family activities—both inside and outside—can run more optimally. This objective related to M Bloc Market vision "Wellness, Traceability, Locality" which is committed to providing quality local food products, while supporting the growth of MSMEs. Departing from the same goal, the talk show held on September 22, 2024 also invited dr. Reza Fahlevi, Sp.A., as a speaker and pediatrician.
During the talk show, dr. Reza Fahlevi, Sp.A. emphasized the importance for busy parents to continue to monitor their children's growth and development. He explained that stunting conditions in Indonesia are dominated by a lack of balanced nutrition so that children's growth and development are not optimal. He also explained that the nutrition that must be consumed by children must contain protein, vitamins, and minerals as the key to handling stunting.
"Most Indonesian people's eating patterns are not in accordance with the rules, such as side dishes in the form of noodles or fried foods that do not contain protein. Children need to be given food intake that contains micro and macro nutrient such as protein, vitamins, and minerals so that they are not indicated as stunting."
In providing nutritional intake, it is important for parents to provide animal protein foods to children to help their growth and development. He also added that busy parents can process animal protein in an easy way.
“Every day children should be given a source of animal protein, for example eggs. I recommend eating 1 egg every day because it has a lot of calories for my underweight patients. If the egg is not boiled, then fried or scrambled egg is also good for children.”
dr. Reza Fahlevi, Sp.A., also explained that the provision of animal protein for children must vary with other foods so that the needs of the child's body are met with complete substances.
"Busy parents, please process food with various creations and variations with other foods so that children are interested in consuming nutritious food. If we provide a source of food variation such as vegetables, it will complete the needs of the child's body and be very beneficial," he said.
He continued that varied food for children can be started from from of over 6 months in the form of MPASI. In giving MPASI also need to pay attention to the texture of the food to adjust to the age of the child gradually.
Before the event ended, there was a question-and-answer session about parenting and child nutrition for the participants, most of whom young parents were. In addition to the question-and-answer session, the event was followed by a quiz session as a test of knowledge gained during the talk show. At the end of the event, the questioners and quiz winners received nutritious food souvenirs from d'mamam as prizes for participating in the event. The ZeroStunting talk show was closed with a documentation session and participate get food testing from d’mamam as a partner.
Through this event, it is hoped that parents can emphasize the importance of good nutritional intake for children despite being busy as busy parents. ZeroStunting believes that starting from the role of parents who are actively involved in raising children will have a big impact on their health and future.
See you at the next event!