
Poor Water Quality's Effects on Poultry

27 Jul 2022

Water can easily be contaminated by dangerous substances. Water naturally provides elements such as minerals and ions, which chickens require. However, suppose the level of these compounds is significantly higher than the standard. In that situation, the water will most likely harm the poultry. As a result, the quality of water requires specific consideration.

Source-based classifications of drinking water include surface water, deep water, and piped water. Organic and chemical pollutants can contaminate surface water supplies. Many people believe that you shouldn't drink groundwater unless it originates from a spring that has been properly maintained and tested for safety.

Dig a 60-meter-deep underground well and store the water for at least 24 hours before giving it to your chickens if you plan to use well water.

Water plays an important role in productivity. Water's help dissolve organic and inorganic substances and to aid in the processes of feed metabolism, absorption of nutrient elements, and transportation process. Therefore, poor quality water can lower productivity. 

Additionally, water regulates body temperature by storing and releasing body heat via evaporation.

The detrimental effects of low quality of water are decreased feed consumption, poor feed conversion, decreased growth rate, increased susceptibility of poultry to diarrhea due to high ammonia levels, and possible death from heavy metal poisoning.

For the drinking water provided to function optimally, the water should receive the following treatment.

  1. Collect the water first in a designated location.

  2. The drinking water container used should not be stored in a place exposed to direct sunlight and made of materials that are not easily corroded.

  3. Drinking water given to poultry should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and the temperature must be kept stable at no more than 25C.

  4. Drinking water is provided ad libitium.

  5. Drinks are cleaned every day.

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