
Welcoming and Farewell Ceremony of Bertani Untuk Negeri 5 & 6

23 Feb 2023

On Friday, 17 February 2023, Edufarmers held a welcoming and farewell ceremony for students of BUN 5 & BUN 6 online. On batch 6 of Bertani Untuk Negeri Program, Edufarmers continue its collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristekdikti) for the fourth time on BUN 6 program through the Magang Bersama Kampus Merdeka (MBKM MSIB). Edufarmers also back again partnered with PT Japfa Comfeed, and PT Ciomas Adisatwa. 

The event began with remarks and appreciation from the CEO of Edufarmers, Yahja Djanggola, to students of BUN 5 who had successfully completed the internship program. Yahja advised the students of BUN 5 to keep their enthusiasm to learn. He also welcomed 255 students of BUN 6 who will be joining this program for the next 5 months. 

Furthermore, Amri Ilmma, COO of Edufarmers, praised BUN 5 for increasing farmer productivity in each commodity. Amri Ilmma also reported that farmers' knowledge increased after joining Bertani Untuk Negeri. In addition, he also advised students in BUN 6 to make an adaptation when they start learning and interacting with farmers. 

In the address that followed, DR. Waghyu Hari Haji, the head of Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat, expressed his gratitude for Edufarmers' accomplishments in organizing the Bertani Untuk Negeri program.   Since the agriculture sector, in Waghyu's opinion, offers great prospects for young people to pursue their careers in the future, he advised the BUN students to make the most of their opportunity.

After the remarks, Yahja Djanggola made Bertani Untuk Negeri 6 official, which was represented by 2 students from BUN 6. After that, Edufarmers announced the best FDAs and farmers for each commodity. Each representative gave a speech about their experience joining the program.

At the end of the event, Prihatiningsih, representing BUN 5, handed a stick to Inatsa, representing BUN 6, as a sign that students from BUN 6 are now carrying out their duties.

The event concluded with a group photo.

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