Opening of Farmers Field School and Planting Demo of Horticulture Cultivation Plots by Edufarmers together with PIK 2 and Tangerang Government
28 Mar 2024
In order to increase public awareness about agriculture, Edufarmers and PIK 2 collaborated to empower farmers in Waru Brilian Bojong Renged Thematic Village, Teluknaga District, Tangerang Regency, Banten.
The collaboration took the form of conducting a Farmers Field School (FFS) and implementing demonstration plots for horticultural cultivation. The event was officially inaugurated on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, with the presence of local stakeholders, including Andi Ony Prihartono (Acting Regent of Tangerang), Suhendra (Village Head of Bojong Renged), and Zam Zam Manohara (Sub-District Head of Teluk Naga).
Andi Ony Prihartono, acting as the Acting Regent of Tangerang, welcomed the innovative agricultural breakthroughs initiated by Edufarmers and PIK 2, aiming to enable farmers, especially millennial farmers, to develop farming skills and knowledge directly.
"May the Horticultural Demonstration Plot Project in Bojong Renged continue to progress and become a source of livelihood for the surrounding community, especially as it will serve as an educational site for farmers, particularly millennial farmers," said Andi Ony Prihartono.
As the organizer of the activity, Edufarmers plays a crucial role in guiding farmers to manage agriculture in the Tematik Village of Bojong Renged gradually and systematically. Edufarmers is responsible for providing education on soil science, agronomy, Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM), and post-harvest techniques to support horticultural farming through the field school. It is hoped that during the field school sessions, farmers will exchange ideas, opinions, and experiences to realize prosperous farming.
After the speeches, the stakeholders and FFS participants together planted demonstration plots of horticultural crops, including chili, eggplant, and tomatoes, which will serve as model gardens for farmers to follow the same cultivation standards.